3iQ™ Quotient
Firstly, there was IQ and then along came EQ which is very important and gaining more so as we advance as human beings. The next evolutionary step is developing and nurturing our 3iQ™.
3iQ™, developed by Australian born Paige Lamoureux, stands for Imagination, Ingenuity & Innovation Quotient. In short, these are skills we can develop and the future of humankind depends on us doing just that.
Building on the foundation of the importance of imagination. And underpinning our entire human experience, the power and value of imagination has been heralded by some of the greatest minds with Albert Einstein acknowledging:
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
It doesn’t get more precise or more succinct than that. However more than half a century later and we as a species have not heeded those words. It is time we make a radical and drastic shift.
We are currently going through a period of change. Sir Ken Robinson has been calling for a change in Education for decades. Watch his TED talks or read his books for more information. He understands the power of imagination for every single one of us. Parents are becoming restless and frustrated with the ineffectiveness of the education system, and the vast majority of people are waking up each day demanding more from life.
Imagination is the very fabric of our soul. We are born with it; it is, without a doubt, our greatest gift. None of us misses out; it isn’t handed out randomly, or a genetic draw. It is innate, and it grows powerfully in our early years. Watch a toddler or pre-schooler entertain themselves for hours with a single object for indisputable proof. Although if some of today’s parents aren’t careful, that will soon be a thing of the past. For instance, toddlers are being given devices instead of being allowed to play with cardboard boxes.
Research has shown the rapid decline in creative behaviours once we enter school around age 5. By age 10 it drops by two thirds and by our mid 20’s it is almost non-existent. Imagination fuels our creative thoughts and behaviours. It fuels our ingenuity and therefore our ability to innovate. Above all, we must innovate ourselves and our way of life.
So Imagination, Ingenuity and Innovation are our way forward. Together they form 3iQ™. The brilliant news is, we can easily reclaim our imagination. It is not hard; it is as simple as daydreaming, and every single one of us has time to do that. Unlike IQ, 3iQ is measured not by a number.
Conversely, you measure it by your feelings of joy, satisfaction and passion. It is not a competition, but a personal journey of self-actualisation. Most importantly, the expression of our creative genius is crucial to our wellbeing; it is our unique mental and spiritual fingerprint. It is the key to unlocking our potential.
Explore our range of 3iQ™ Programs. Ideal for ages 8 – 108.