U GENIUS is a platform devoted to the development of IMAGINATION through the monthly 3iQ™ Programs. It is the only arena that encourages you to dream BIG. To explore your creativity & provide the scope to put your ideas into action.

Passion is key

Our Vision

A world where every single person discovers their Unique Brand of Genius


3iQ Programs are your private space, your imagination  playground. Daydreaming is the key to unlocking the magic of our minds.


Ideas are one thing but there is a whole lot more to the process. Creativity demands “A wild eye and a discipled mind.”

Paige Lamoureux

Imaginator – Founder Director of Possibility & Potential

Paige Lamoureux grew up in Melbourne, Australia attending Korowa Anglican Girls School. Her interest in people and business grew whilst working at the local pool. She submitted her first business to the Shell LiveWire Competition at age 19.

The seed of U GENIUS 3iQ was planted when her eldest son was in Grade 1. Watching his intrinsic drive and creative thinking processes being quashed by the education system. She then created the 3iQ Programs.

Melbourne, VIC 3001



A world where every single person discovers their unique brand of genius.

Growing up I was good at a lot of things, but I used to ask my Mum why I wasn’t the best at something. She would tell me that one day I would discover what it was. It took me a very very long time! And it was really only when I needed it that I discovered it!  I was about 32 years old then, when my eldest son was in grade 1. We had started him at Montesssori but the school folded, so off to kindergarten which was not suited for him at all. We tried a community school thinking it would give him the stimulation he craved. However the other children his age could not sound out the alphabet and he was reading independently by age 3. We thought about homeschooling and in hindsight wish we had – so he was enrolled at the local primary school.

Not great for him however it was the failing of the system that is the beginning of the U GENIUS story. Creating a program for children of all abilities was the immediate need and desire. It was then I discovered that CREATIVITY was my brand of GENIUS!

My deepest belief is that every single person has a touch of brilliance, their own unique blend of talents, their essence, their brand of GENIUS. Our mission in life is to discover that and contribute it to the world. IMAGINATION is, as the late Sir Ken Robinson says, “the source of every human achievement.” It is our imagination that provides the space and freedom to discover our uniqueness. It is in every single person’s imagination the way to create the future we need.


We truly believe we haven’t scratched the surface of human potential. We believe creating the space and process for people to discover their unique brand of genius will significantly reduce mental health issues also.


U Genius 3iQ was founded on being suitable for people of all abilities. We have only just launched but we our goal is to make sure the programs are available on assertive technologies as soon as possible.


We know the world needs A LOT of work. If it was a house, it would need to be demolished and something new built in it’s place. The only way we are going to create a world we are proud off, is to challenge the status quo, rebel against the cancel culture and make changes, no matter how small. One idea at a time.

The U GENIUS 3iQ Story

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Facts we are proud with


U GENIUS 3iQ is the ONLY platform and program that is dedicated to unlocking human potential.


We have 5 programs to cover people aged 8 -108 across different life stages.

15 Years

From identifying the need and developing and researching the concept it has taken 15 years to get it to market. If I can do it you can too!


One hour a week is all it takes to make a difference, to your life and the world!

iKIDS unlocking potential
best gift for older adults

Imagine Our Combined Potential

From our youngest minds to some of our oldest, it is never too early or too late to imagine new ways of doing things.

The Adventure of Your Life!

First and foremost these programs are for you. To find, discover and use your unique genius.

The Societal Benefits

It is our belief and hope that helping one person at a time to discover their brilliance will greatly reduce mental health concerns.

Imagine The Future

Imagining new ways of doing things, creating a better world for all, this is our goal.