Growing the Imagination Generation

Albert Einstein believed in the power of imagination. We believe “The Imaginative Parent Shapes the World.”

Paige Lamoureux

Einstein Parenting

Avg. hours a day spent on screens


of 10-16 year olds do not feel engaged at school


Less than 1 hour a day spent outside


of 16 year olds feel worried most or all of the time


Einstein Parenting - time to raise the imagination generation

It is time to raise the Imagination Generation. Children with dreams and visions who have confidence to build a bright new world. It is up to us to give them wings AND prepare them for a whole new world.

Einstein Parenting creative thinking and imagination for kids

of C.E.O'S

Say Creativity is the Most Important Leadership Skill

Why Einstein?

Albert Einstein’s greatest legacy is his knowledge that our imaginations are our greatest gift. .

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    01. Imagination

    02. Wisdom

    03. Magic

    Provide The Springboard

    Einstein Parenting and the U GENIUS 3iQ™ iKIDS Program provide the perfect platform.

    Einstein Parenting

    Einstein Parenting is the springboard

    Entelechy + Meraki Based Parenting

    Wanting the best for our children.

    It is as simple as wanting our children to fulfil their potential and live a life with passion, where they put their soul into what they do.

    Entelechy - Realising Potential

    Never before has a generation of parents focused on unlocking the potential of their children. We are the transformation generation, paving opportunities for our children to thrive and the world as a whole, right along with them.

    giving children wings



    What is potential if there is no passion? Who cares if our child has the potential to be the fastest runner on earth if their soul begs to paint or create a business that will solve humanities greater need.

    Einstein Parenting Club

    Together we change the world for our children. Who in turn will change the world.

    • Parenting is a challenge in general. However parenting a new and innovative way is easier when knowledge is shared and we have a community to support us. Our monthly newsletter gives you this.

    • As part of the Einstein Parenting Club you have access to our private Facebook community to share ideas, learn and be part of the parenting revolution.

    • Apart form our child benefitting directly , focusing on imagination helps us in our role as parent. We actively scope our imagination to come up with fresh and creative solutions to everyday parenting challenges.