iRETIRE™ Re-Imagine Retirement








You may have retired from work but your brain is crying out for stimulation. iRETIRE™ provides the inspiration for you to think up and create things you really want. Welcome to the ultimate Seniors Creative Thinking Program.

Make The Most of Retirement

Research shows that ‘normal cognitive decline’ can start as early as 45 years of age. Strengthening the neural pathways can improve overall brain health. Creative Thinking engages vital areas in your brain.


Research has shown that your ability to think creatively actually increases as you age as we have a rich and textured tapestry of life experience to reflect on.


Keeping our brain active and agile is imperative to our brain health, so we have developed iRETIRE™ a fun program that stimulates your creative thinking which  It’s gymnastics for your mind! 


Some of the Monthly Missions are just a whole lot of fun. They are rewarding and stimulating. Some missions, though, can create social change. It’s never too late to make a real IMPACT.

How Our Program Works

1. Monthly Mission

Receive a new fun and stimulating mission each month.

2. Weekly Process

Follow our weekly process, print ours or create your own.

3. Self Assessment

Take time to reflect at the end of the month with the self-assessment.

iRETIRE™ Make your mark
iKIDS™ Prepare your child for the changing world
daydream - it is as easy as that
Slide 1

So now what? Yes time for friends, family, travel and any leisure you like. But you are still young and vibrant and need more. You are never too old to make a difference and you have the advantage of wisdom to make a real impact.

So now what? Yes time for friends, family, travel and any leisure you like. But you are still young and vibrant and need more. You are never too old to make a difference and you have the advantage of wisdom to make a real impact.

So now what? Yes time for friends, family, travel and any leisure you like. But you are still young and vibrant and need more. You are never too old to make a difference and you have the advantage of wisdom to make a real impact.

Slide 2

Wonderment is vital when it comes to enjoying life and providing an outlet, utilising our brain helps us feel alive. iRETIRE™ renews your sense of purpose, provides space to explore and express your passions. How are you going to make your mark?

Wonderment is vital when it comes to enjoying life and providing an outlet, utilising our brain helps us feel alive. iRETIRE™ renews your sense of purpose, provides space to explore and express your passions. How are you going to make your mark?

Wonderment is vital when it comes to enjoying life and providing an outlet, utilising our brain helps us feel alive. iRETIRE™ renews your sense of purpose, provides space to explore and express your passions. How are you going to make your mark?

Slide 3

We genuinely believe the most important and significant changes on the horizon are going to be brought about by older adults. With the wisdom and insight gained from decades of life experience it is about time we turn to YOU - the knowledgeable elders to create a better world.

We genuinely believe the most important and significant changes on the horizon are going to be brought about by older adults. With the wisdom and insight gained from decades of life experience it is about time we turn to YOU - the knowledgeable elders to create a better world.

We genuinely believe the most important and significant changes on the horizon are going to be brought about by older adults. With the wisdom and insight gained from decades of life experience it is about time we turn to YOU - the knowledgeable elders to create a better world.

Slide 4

You worked to provide and pay the bills. Make retirement the most meaningful time of your life. The best part is - it is so easy. Thinking, daydreaming, imagining, can be done anywhere, anytime!

You worked to provide and pay the bills. Make retirement the most meaningful time of your life. The best part is - it is so easy. Thinking, daydreaming, imagining, can be done anywhere, anytime!

You worked to provide and pay the bills. Make retirement the most meaningful time of your life. The best part is - it is so easy. Thinking, daydreaming, imagining, can be done anywhere, anytime!

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Forever Young

Youth is an attitude and wasted on the young. It takes wisdom to appreciate it. Combine your Wisdom with the Wonder of 3iQ™ – each Monthly Mission will keep you forever young.

Purpose & Contribution

We believe you are in a unique position to make grander contributions. Combining your knowledge with the power of imagination and the desire to leave a legacy.

Keep Your Brain Firing

Keeping our brain active is crucial to ageing well. Crosswords and jigsaw puzzles only do so much. You need fun & stimulating activities to keep your mind sharp.

The Power of Daydreaming

Daydreaming is extremely important to our wellbeing, creativity and problem-solving. Research shows we daydream less as we get older. ​This is when we begin to “FEEL OLD”.

Don’t just take our word for it

“There is a Fountain of Youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated ageing.”


Let’s make
them sit up and listen

One thing is for sure – everybody gets older. iRETIRE™  helps you to embrace that and make the most of it. Who says you can’t have fun – live a vibrant and fulfilled life. Join us and refine the meaning and expectations of getting older.

iRETIRE™ lifelong learning
iRETIRE™ light up the world with ideas

Receive an automatic 40% Seniors Discount.

Step by Step User Guide Specifically for You

As soon as you enrol you will receive ‘THE SENIORS GUIDE TO IMAGINATION’ OUR 3iQ™ User Guide. Here you will find all the information you need to get the most out of the program.

iRETIRE™ seniors guide

Enrol Now

There is no age limit on BRILLIANCE – Let us help unleash your INNER GENIUS.

For Retirees


  • Keep Mind Active & Agile
  • Brain Health
  • Can Help Improve Memory
  • Provide a Sense of Purpose
  • Keep You
  • Contribute Your Ideas to the World

What our clients say

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Usu inermis gubergren aliquando cu, vide option nonumes at sit, eos ea erat soluta molestiae. Mel an odio prima, no usu verear splendide ad no pro fugit soluta interpretaris, in dico suas delectus pro. Latine mentitum torquatos vel in, in ius posse cotidieque.

  • Usu inermis gubergren aliquando cu, vide option nonumes at sit, eos ea erat soluta molestiae. Mel an odio prima, no usu verear splendide ad no pro fugit soluta interpretaris, in dico suas delectus pro. Latine mentitum torquatos vel in, in ius posse cotidieque.