“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau
Each one of us was born with an innate creativity and inner brilliance – or ‘song’ that the world desperately needs us to contribute. However very few of us live our lives with true purpose and passion. Until NOW…
We need to use our imagination, our ingenuity to innovate ourselves and our lives. This is 3iQ, unlike the old fashioned IQ, 3iQ is not measured by a number but by your joy. It unlocks the essential 4P’s. Passion, Purpose, Potential and Possibility. This is you living your life, discovering your song AND singing that song out loud in the world.
Passion leads to discovering your purpose, which is the expression of your potential and opens up the world of possibility.
And the time has come. The Age of the Dreamer, Creators and Agents of Change. They are distinct personalities, some of us have a mix of each type and others have a dominant strength.
It all starts with a dream. We need Dreamers, the visionaries, those of us who see possibility, that our way of life can improve, the way we do things can be radically different. Dreamers challenge the status quo, they refuse mediocrity. But how do we turn those dreams into reality?
We need the Creators! They take an idea and build the model, they work out the details, iron out the creases, make the necessary modifications. So the dream turns into something tangible. But how do we get that something out into the world?
That is where the Agents of Change come in. They take our song, our dream that has been developed into something tangible and share it with the world.
However up until now we haven’t provided a way for this elegant chain to work. We haven’t embraced those personality traits within ourselves, let alone provide an arena for Dreamers to collaborate and connect with Creators and for Creators to dance with Agents of Change.
U GENIUS 3iQ is that space. Phase one is taking you on your personal journey to discover your brilliance, that blend of magic that is your inner genius. You will see if you have more Dreamer than Agent of Change or more Creator.
Phase two of our agenda is creating that arena for Dreamers, Creators and Agents fo Change to come together and literally change the world!