What happened? Somewhere along the way to one degree or another we have settled? Our inner disco ball, with hundreds of interesting shiny elements of our unique personality has been put in the corner, gathering dust, some people have through an old blanket over theirs and have forgotten it is even there.
As we ‘grew up’ we fell into the trap of conditioning, that we shouldn’t boast, seeking attention is bad, and these sayings are correct however the implication is that we have to turn down our brilliance before we are even aware of what it is.
We call it your Inner Genius, that something special inside you, it lights you up, it drives your passion and your potential unfolds and blossoms. If we correlate the statistics on the loss of creativity as we leave our preschool years, we estimate only two percent of people by age 25 have any awareness of their unique brand of genius.
The good news is, that inner disco ball is still there and it is never too late to dust it off, and let it shine. The news gets even better, it isn’t hard to do. Are you ready to shine?