Henry David Thoreau’s words are as true today as when he wrote them;
” Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with their song still in them”.
His words cut to the heart of our very mission, the fundamental premise and foundation of U GENIUS 3iQ. Our core belief is that every single person has a unique brand of genius just waiting to emerge. We believe you were born with your song in your heart and your early years should be the time you discover and develop it. However, there are two major forces in our world that have kept so many people from singing their song. Those two monsters are socialisation and conformity.
Your song, your potential, the meaning of your life, your raison d’etre. Whatever you call it, you know there is something just waiting to get out. To give, to express and share with the world. Could it be that the failure to do so can be linked with the huge increase in mental health issues around the world?
So what went wrong? Why does our society not talk about it, encourage it or set up for us to explore? We all know and agree conformity and socialisation happened. Yet what are we doing about it? How are we combatting it? How many of us are changing things around us? How many of us are saying hold on a minute, my life, my partner’s life, my friends and families lives all mean something. No, we just keep on conforming, keep on socialising our children the same way.
Let’s get honest with ourselves for a minute. I am going to ask you two questions and I want to provoke an authentic conversation with yourself and hopefully with those around you. Question 1 – have you ever criticised someone for being different? Question 2 – What are your real feelings about life? Do you think everybody has something unique about them that the world is waiting for?
The second question is by far the most important. Because if you do it will change everything you do for the rest f your life. It will change the way you look at people and it will make you take responsibility for your own life and the unlocking of your own potential.
The first question, and I am sure, every single one of us to one degree or another, if we are being truthful, has made a disparaging remark or two. So we have to acknowledge that we have all been part of the problem. However only by acknowledging it can we change it.
So finding your song is the most beautiful journey of your life. No two journeys, or songs for that matter, are the same. Now beautiful does not always mean easy or simple. Your’s might be a long and windy road. It is a never-ending process, our potential is not one single moment or goal. It is dynamic and evolving. Some of us have a single, distinct song and others have what we call multi-disciplinary potentials or complete albums! These sometimes overlap and intertwine and sometimes they are completely distinct from one another.
It is what we are here to inspire, to unearth. To assist you on your journey of self discovery. Discovering your potential is the single most important purpose of your life. It is the foundation for everything else in your life. Let’s delve into that statement further.
Understandably you may baulk at that idea initially. What about love, kindness. Oh, we believe in them with absolute commitment but we believe they are the basis of our humanity. We all have love and kindness in our heart, some more than others perhaps, but the capacity is always there. The less a person shows these two values the more they need them.
We find ourselves in the Age of Technology yet as human beings we have failed to develop. Education is failing, it is a production house, we take these magical, imaginative, unique 5-year-old children and try to make them clones. En masse we fail to free ourselves from the conditioning and conformity of society. Until now. Join us, be a songbird, wake up each morning and greet the day, the world with the song that your soul was created to sing.