There is something very special about you. A uniqueness that goes beyond your physical fingerprint. Your own way of seeing and experiencing things, and your own unique purpose. Your own Inner Magic! So here is a little experiment for you to do.
Re-create the image above, start with these 7 test tubes and add as many as you can think of. Label each additional test tube with the skills and qualities you have or would like to have. Alter the levels of the liquids to represent how much each tube resonates with you. It is a great way of recognising and valuing the skills and traits you have. Then adding the ones you wish to develop.
No doubt you will miss a number of the wonderful ingredients that go into your ideation process. Make a start and give yourself time to identify some of the amazing elements and attributes you have. Your challenge here is to value every element. Don’t just acknowledge the ones that are currently seen as superior, or “good” or worthy, or this decades wonder skill. For example laziness: Bill Gates is quoted saying ” I will always find a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way of doing it.”
Free yourself from societal constraints and the status quo. Apart from being extremely liberating is the very foundation for living YOUR life. Not the life that is expected but the life that fulfils you.
Imagine if each and every one of us could value these skills in ourselves and each other. We wouldn’t be so self conscious, we wouldn’t hold back. SO go ahead. Explore and uncover your own Inner Magic. Change the world for yourself and those around you.