Imagination: Oh, The Possibilities!
Can you imagine that? “A world of Pure Imagination” meets relativity, where we can create the world that John Lennon wrote and dreamt about. This may be the Innovation Age, but it is also the Age of People Power. The technology at our fingertips means anybody can achieve their goals, can reach a global audience, can disrupt the old way of doing things and make positive change. We are embarking on the Age of The Dreamers, The Doers.
Allowing yourself time to Daydream like Alice creates a space like no other. It is a vibrant and powerful state for our mind; it is the only time certain parts of the brain work together; this produces phenomenal results. The best part is – it is so incredibly easy; it is an innate human quality. One we don’t need to learn, toddlers and preschoolers do it every day without even thinking about it. It is conditioned and socialised out of us.
Some hold onto it more than others, the entrepreneurs and innovators, the rebels and black sheep. The world needs black sheep, yellow, pink, purple and green ones too. Creative thinking is a paradox; it is the discipline of bringing together a Wild Eye and a Disciplined Mind. We all, every single one of us has that ability, that is the definition of Genius.
Imagination: The Source of Your Inner Genius
The exciting news is that there is a unique platform to take you on an incredible journey into the remarkable depths of your imagination. U Genius has just released their innovative 3iQ™ Imagination Programs. The iKIDS program is designed for children aged 8-12 years. With programs for teens, adults, retirees as well as a designated program for new and expectant mothers. Even the busiest of entrepreneurs can fit this fun and invigorating program into their schedule. Accessing one’s creativity, Sir Ken Robinson tells us, “tap into a primal source of energy…you are literally more alive because of it.” Explore the 3iQ™ Programs here U GENIUS 3iQ™
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